About Impact

Impact, a non-profit Nebraska visual arts organization, was founded in 1985—its mission to educate through outreach programs and exhibitions. From inception, Impact has been recognized for professionalism and a high level of creative expression.


Lewis and Clark Exhibit Opening, Prairie Arts Center


Impact offers five major exhibition packages which rotate periodically, each with a focus theme. These themes evolve from Nebraska or mid plains regional sources, but must have national appeal. Exhibits are available to large and small venues, both regionally and nationally. Impact's shows continue to generate widespread interest and provide a high quality educational experience.


Member artists work in a broad range of styles and media. Membership is limited to a select group of Nebraska artists, nationally recognized within their respective artistic disciplines. Artists are elected through an independent jury. Each member is committed to four years, participating in all programs, exhibitions, and meetings. Many of the founding members continue to be a part of the organization, a testament to their commitment and the organization's success.

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Impact Nebraska Artists:

Roberta Barnes

Marcia Bauerle

Wava Best

Jo Brown

Patricia Coslor

Ben Darling

Karen Dienstbier

David Dorsey

Debra Joy Groesser

Janna Harsch

Susan Hart

Ken Hosmer

Beth Jasnoch

Yelena Khanevskaya

Jerene Kruse

Kathleen Lohr

Sammy Lynn

Deborah Monfelt

Julia Noyes

Tim O'Neill

Sue Perez

Patricia Schemmer

Donna Schimonitz

Lois Smith

Patsy Smith

Joan Swim

Amy Tomasevicz

History of Impact

Our first preliminary session was held in early 1981. Once the idea was conceived plans were laid out for what we called the 'Impact Project.' These plans included a published book and a tour of 'historical consequence.' Originally restricted to women in the visual arts, requirements included a resume listing national accomplishments and slides of artwork. A museum curator would serve as juror for the selection of artists. Because of legal incorporation, Impact qualified for several grants from sources including the Nebraska Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts. Also, Governor Kay Orr chose the project as part of her 'Celebrate Nebraska – 88.' Impact's book was published by Jacob North Printing Company of Lincoln. This book later received three awards from the Nebraska and regional publishing trade, including an Abby from the Advertising Federation of Lincoln, and Best of Show from the Printing Industries of the Midlands.

The second part of the Impact Project started with an exhibit at the Museum of Nebraska Art in Kearney. This was the initial site of the touring exhibition to be shown across the United States. The high point of our tour was a ten-day showing at the House of Representatives Cannon Office Building rotunda in Washington, D.C., at the invitation of Nebraska State Representative Virginia Smith.

Background information from Patsy Smith in 2009.