Waters of Life Exhibit

New Exhibit—available in May 2025.

The cycle of life on our planet is sustained by water.
Rain clouds form over the oceans, then drift inland across the plains and mountains, releasing their life-giving moisture. Plants and animals drink; fish and birds swim and splash. Waters converge into rivers for the epic journey back to the sea.

We must cherish pure and clean water because we cannot exist without it.

BEN DARLING-"Confluence of Niobrara and Missouri"-oil----The Niobrara forms the northern border of Nebraska, and the Missouri its eastern border. As with most rivers and streams they have different characters. Traveling their courses in Nebraska reveals the different habitats they support.
KEN HOSMER-"Autumn Dance"-acrylic----As the final warm days of autumn unfold, leaves gracefully glide downward and gather beside the tranquil stream. The crystal-clear water ripples and swirls in a rhythmic dance as I search the depths where the solid rock shapes blur into elusive illusions of trout hiding below.

WAVA BEST-"Fish Out of Water"-stoneware----The rivers flow from high mountains or through the plains, and life continues throughout the night!


JO BROWN-"Earthworks: The Land and Its Water"-mixed media----Water and the land —a magical place you can float into and be a part of, a quiet, meditative, healing space.