Susan Hart
Cozad, NE
Specialization: Abstract/non-objective painting - Acrylic, mixed media, collage
Education: B A in Art Education, Kearney State College- Kearney, Nebraska
Teaching Experience:
Children’s art workshops, Museum of Nebraska Art – 2000 to present,
Adult Collage/mixed media workshops,
Dawson County elementary art educator – 17 years
Doane College, York College, Good Samaritan Hospital, Museum of Nebraska Art
Selected Exhibitions/Awards:
Governor’s Residence Solo exhibition, Fred Simon Gallery Solo exhibition,
Walkway Gallery Solo exhibition, Good Samaritan Hospital
International Society of Experimental - signature member
Association of Nebraska Art Clubs - Purchase Award,
Association of Nebraska Art Clubs- Awards of Excellence,
Upstream People Gallery, Omaha, Nebraska-Special Recognition
Ruminate Magazine-Kalos Foundation Visual Art Prize –Finalist -2012